Rococo Inspired Art




Rococo a kind of art which screams Youth, Lovely, and Soft.

Every artist has their own instrument, either it is a pencil, a crayon, or even a charcoal! Strange? Well the world is defenitely full of Art! 

Paint Brush, is what I used to achieve this inspired art. I decided to paint on the picture frame since it was starting to rust, so i improvised it and painted it with a vintage Rococo vibe. Honestly not the best, but ain't bad either.

Unfortunately I'm having trouble posting the video itself here, so instead I posted it in my google drive! :)) 

Just click the link below. This will direct you to the video from my google drive


So here is the Final Product!

The colors used in here are Blue for the outer or side surface, Yellow for the inner surface, Orange/Red/Brown for the lines or detailed part. To give more Rococo vibes to it I placed a famous Rococo Masterpiece by Fragonard namely "The Swing".

This was my Inspo Photo, for anyone who was wondering.

I chose this as my inspo photo because it really screamed Rococo to me, vert soft and dainty. Totally different from my result, yet I tried.

"Don't bring yourself down just because you aren't good enough, instead bring yourself up because you did it"

Thanks for visiting my Blog!


Background Picture from Pinterest: rawpixel
